AIDICO Instituto Tecnológico de la Construcción, Spain (Technological Institute of Construction)


AIDICO is the Technological Institute for Construction situated in Valencia. AIDICO works at new energy-saving strategies in buildings while they interact with their environment (passive systems). Regarding energy efficiency, AIDICO is specialised in life cycle assessment, eco design of building materials and products and eco-labelling. AIDICO is active in construction testing, diagnosis and monitoring of buildings. AIDICO has laboratories specialized in nanotechnology, testing building materials etc. and a certification department. Regarding heritage, AIDICO has expertise in the fields of: nondestructive materials and non-invasive diagnostics and techniques of construction
elements using different technologies (R&D technology services).

In ReFoMo AIDICO delivers its expertise on energy efficiency assessment, eco-design of buildings and materials and tools like eco-labelling. One of AIDICO’s instruments is a wireless sensor system measuring climate and energy indicators in a building (real time, to be displayed on your mobile phone).

Contact person: José Vicente Fuente

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